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Pure Blueberry Honey with Tumeric, Ginger & Ashwaghanda

Why Pure Honey?

Honey is an overlooked miraculous food created by The Most High, and a popular natural medicine! Honey contains 11 minerals, namely: Potassium, Chlorine, Sulfur, Calcium, Sodium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Silica, Iron, Manganese, and Copper. Pure honey also cures the body naturally of its ailments, and contains natural sugars.

“Honey is the only food that exist on this planet that last forever. It is the only tonic that exist on this planet that is perfectly made by nano engineers; bees! That are solely responsible for the food web that the entire ecosystem stands upon! We wouldn’t even have sustenance and the life we know if it wasn’t for the bees, which are transmitting the frequencies of sunlight into nectar of flowers, into honey, which has the same consistency as the ectoplasm of our existence itself!”

-Ethnobotanist and Superfood Connoisseur, KT The Arch Degree

This pure blueberry honey is unprocessed, raw and straight from the source, straight from the farm. I’ve chosen to add an herbal blend to it with 7 different, powerful healing herbs aimed primarily on immune health, sure to have some of the best internal healing around!

Herbal Blend

Try my healing herbal blend, of Tumeric, Ginger, Ashwaghanda, Moringa and 3 more powerful healing herbs and spices. Great for smoothies or as an addition to sprinkle on your daily meals. Along with internal healing, it offers pain relief and a good energy source.

So why herbs and spices?

Herbs and spices have been used for centuries both for additives in food and also medicinal purposes. Certain herbs and spices grow in lands and areas where the natives are in need of their medicinal benefits the most. More Americans are considering the use of herbs and spices for medicinal and therapeutic/remedy use, especially for various chronic conditions. There is now ample evidence that spices and herbs possess antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumorigenic, antiviral, anti carcinogenic, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties. 

Though herbs and spices are alternatives to help with ailments, they are not a replacement for prescribed medications from your physician. You should always consult your physician before usage, as certain herbs and spices may conflict with medications already in use.

Pure Blueberry Herbal Honey 8oz

If you don’t want to try the 16oz, grab you the 8oz. Same seven herbs and spices as the 16oz just a smaller size. You can also click on the ‘Catalogue’ tab on the menu options to check out possible combinations!

We come into this world to experience.

Why not do it at your highest and healthiest potential?


The herbal blend gives me an energy boost and boost my mood at the same time!


The pure blueberry honey is good by itself, with it being healthy is just a bonus!


”I feel a difference in my day to day movements using the herbal blend!”
